Zoom Photo by David J. Schmoll

Photo by David J. Schmoll

Hermann Park Conservancy has undertaken several initiatives to ensure that the beauty of the Park is perpetuated for future generations. For every major project, the Conservancy sets aside a significant portion of funds raised for long-term maintenance.

In addition, the Conservancy has developed stewardship and volunteer programs to supplement the care provided by the Parks Department. As part of these programs, thousands of volunteers annually work in the Park. Neighbors rake the forest trails in Bayou Parkland, corporate groups clear McGovern Lake of debris, and school children plant seeds. Conservancy friends are committed to ensuring the Park is just as beautiful for future visitors as it is today.

Finally, The George Hermann Society, the Conservancy’s planned giving program, supports the long-term health of the Park through bequests or other planned gifts. Bequests can be directed to a Conservancy program, or to one of four endowment funds whose income funds care of the trees, gardens, and natural habitats in perpetuity.

To sponsor stewardship programs or learn more about The George Hermann Society, please contact With your support, Hermann Park will continue to thrive for its next hundred years.